1:1 program
3x week check-in calls


step into ease
and action

An innovative program for students who want (or need) to break through procrastination but don't know how.

Included in the program are weekly laser-focused sessions with Sofia, a workbook with exercises and games and three times a week 15-minute check-in Zooms. This is for you if you are a student who wants to become more productive and beat procrastination but doesn’t know how.

FREE State of Admissions Report: How To Help Your Kid Beat Procrastination

What Makes Unslack Different?

Unslack is a complete program that helps students understand and recognize all forms of procrastination and apply effective tools for anticipating and busting avoidance habits.

Unslack goes at the heart of procrastination by removing guilt, shame and anxiety and replacing them with a new mindset and toolset for action and can-do attitude. Unslack starts with the inner game before it moves to apps and calendars.

recognizes the highly personal nature of procrastination, and builds the foundation for all students to tap into intrinsic motivation and positive choices so they can switch to productivity anytime, forgive themselves when they do less than expectations, and move on.

Unslack lifts the weight off the shoulders of students who seem busy but unmotivated and feel they are falling behind. Unslack unleashes their innver potential and energy to achieve transformation and believe in their ability to achieve success.

What If You Could Learn How To
Beat Procrastination And Get
Things Done

Every student wants to feel productive, successful and appreciated. But unproductive thoughts and habits stand in the way. Learn why you avoid certain tasks and how you can overcome resistance and overwhelm and feel productive and in the zone.

  • You will deeply accept the fact that procrastination has nothing to do with skills, intelligence, time management, or personality. Indeed, some of the smartest people on the planet do it.
  • You will gain insights into some of the reasons we resist action, and what makes us feel anxious or afraid of taking a step forward.
  • You will recognize the language and tactics of procrastination, judgement-free, so you can anticipate and prepare for it and use it to your advantage.
  • Motivation follows action. We will find your optimal motivation zone.
  • We’ll explore three distinct possibilities – the flow zone, the the zero-motivation zone and the “in-between” zone where most of us operate most of the time.
  • You will identify where you want to be and engage in highly effective exercises that will allow you to strengthen your “agency muscle” and realize how easy it can be to make small but critical changes.
  • We will play with the idea of motivation that follows action, and the possibility of busting through difficult feelings to get into doing.
  • We may not be able to change our emotions but we may change our responses to them.
  • We will practice research-based approaches that will help you break through avoidance at any time. You will learn to choose from a menu of simple tips that have successfully transformed even the most stubborn procrastinators.
  • You will complete the program with an arsenal of tools that you can use again and again, one by one, or in combination so you may find it easier to tap into doing and flow whenever you need to tackle a task, an assignment, project, homework, email or any other item on your list.
  • You will create your own card deck of tools that will lead you to inspired productivity and the confidence to move forward.

Get a 30+ page workbook with 50 tips, tools, and hacks to choose from when your procrastination monsters show up

Sign Up for the Unslack Program!

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Get the easy-to-us Workbook to help your kid beat procrastination and start getting things done.

In the workbook you will get concise, researched-based, and laser-focused insights to help you understand how and why children procrastinate and offer tips and tricks to help them find the motivation to tackle the tasks on their lists.

Created by a coach who has worked with procrastinators and is a procrastinator herself

Unslack is designed by Sofia Blake who has worked with over 100 students on various aspects of the college application process.

The vast majority of students complete their applications with more ease and inspiration than they thought possible when they started.

But year after year, Sofia encountered students who delay, resist, or avoid their to-do list. Some of her favorite students, indeed, are chronic procrastinators.

She recognized their struggles because she’s been there. She dove into brain research, behavioral science and leading coaching methods to figure out how to help students and herself move forward.

This is how she developed a highly effective approach that takes into account the fact that procrastination is normal and near-universal and a trait we need to understand why it strikes and what to do about it.

Ready to start doing?